AMA Scores
Featured on Wine-Searcher

AMA scores featured on Wine-Searcher - Alexandre MA

The campaign of the 2022 En Primeur wines is in full swing, and this year we are delighted to see an increasing number of châteaux incorporating AMA scores, which is a recognition and affirmation of Alexandre MA and his team’s ongoing efforts. 


At the same time, in this beautiful summer, we have received an exciting piece of news: following the successful collaboration with Wine Decider last year, the world’s largest wine search engine, Wine-Searcher, has officially started referencing AMA scores!

AMA scores featured on Wine-Searcher - Alexandre MA

When you visit the Wine-Searcher website and click on “Critic & Awards“,  you will now see the familiar Alexandre MA logo. We believe that AMA scores will inspire and guide more wine enthusiasts in their wine selection journey.


As the largest global wine search engine, Wine-Searcher boasts 5.2 million active users per month. The website not only provides information about wine shops, wineries, and online platforms from around the world but also features ratings from renowned wine critics, offering a valuable reference for wine lovers.

AMA scores featured on Wine-Searcher - Alexandre MA

The inclusion of AMA scores on Wine-Searcher signifies the growing international recognition of Alexandre MA.


While the path ahead may be arduous and demanding, but progress is inevitable. In the days to come, Alexandre MA will continue to keep a keen eye on the developments in the world of wine, staying true to the initial aspirations and forging ahead with unwavering dedication.