AMA Tasting Report
Bordeaux 2022
En Primeur

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

The success of the 2022 vintage truly surprised me. Its astonishing “bizarrement équilibré” not only changed my thoughts about hot vintages, but also gave me a deeper understanding of the natural essence of grapes.


To me, the 2022 is an Unexpected Legendary Vintage, a masterpiece that stands shoulder to shoulder with 2010, 2005, and 1961. However, I must emphasize, 2022 is a phoenix rising from the ashes of extreme conditions. its success may be impossible to duplicate. If we were to encounter such extreme heat and dryness again, I am not certain that we’d get the same spectacular result.

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

The success of the 2022 vintage can be attributed to various factors, but I believe that improvements in viticulture played a crucial role. Over the past decade or so, vine growers in Bordeaux have really started to focus on harmony between humain and Mother Nature. They’ve improved soil vitality through a series of scientific managements and have diligently created an ecosystem where microorganisms, herbaceous plants, birds, insects, and grapevines all work together. With the invisible hand of nature, the grapevines have stealthily boosted their resilience.

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

Additionally, let’s not forget that grapevines naturally possess drought-resistant genes and thrive along the Mediterranean coast. As long as the vineyard is properly managed, the root system is deep enough and the soil is active, the vines understand how to adapt to drought conditions by themselves

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

This year, I dedicated six weeks to the tasting of over 1500 En Primeur wines. Among them, 496 wines met the selection criteria of scoring at least 90 points, and an impressive 68 wines hit a score of 95 points or higher (including 64 red wines and 4 white wines). These numbers far surpass the 31 wines that achieved such high scores in the 2021 vintage, indicating the exceptional overall quality of the 2022 vintage.


From my tasting experiences, besides a few wines where the grapes were overly ripe, excessively extracted, or mixed with too many unsorted dried grapes, many wines reached their all-time best in 2022.

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

Red Wine

In terms of the style for this vintage, I think the red wines exhibit the following five characteristics:


1. There’s a remarkable amount of tannins, but they’re extraordinarily fine-grained. 

I’ve never seen grape seeds as mature as in the 2022 vintage. It’s like chewing on toasted hazelnuts. When the ripe tannins from the grape skins integrate with the toasted-like tannins from the seeds, you end up with a rich texture akin to cocoa powder, even without the help of new oak barrels. Just a touch of extraction is good enough to craft an ideal structure.

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

2. Rich and precise fruitiness

In my view, there are three reasons for the rich and precise fruitiness. Firstly, the hot and dry weather didn’t allow any space for fungal diseases to hide, so the healthy grapes ensured the purity of the fruitiness. Secondly, the skins, which hold a large proportion of the grape itself, intensified all the flavors through concentration. Lastly, early harvest helped the grapes retain an ideal freshness. If I had to pick two wines that embody this characteristic, I would choose Château-Figeac from the Right Bank and Château Grand Puy Lacoste from the Left Bank.


3. Unbelievable “Acidic Sensation”

This was the topic I was asked about the most during the En Primeur tasting. Many of my friends from China thought it was due to the temperature difference between day and night. But when I tasted the grapes, I didn’t feel such high acidity, so there must be another reason. My mentor, Axel Marchal, the professor at ISVV, once mentioned in a lecture that there is an acid in wine, called Succinic Acid, which does not exist in the grape itself but can be produced during fermentation.

The first time I tasted “Succinic Acid,” it struck me as monosodium glutamate (MSG) with a dash of salt. It is funny that, during 2022 En Primeur tasting, I noticed a subtle saltiness both in many red and white wines. Although there is no further scientific confirmation yet, my intuition tells me this might be the source of the mysterious acidity in the vintage of 2022. Château Latour-Martillac had the highest acidity among the red wines this year, with an incredible total acidity of 5.13, which is not just unbelievable, but crazy.


AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

4. Hello, Spicy Merlot

When the Merlot berries get smaller, they are charged with more tannins, leading to a stronger structure. With a touch of spice from oak barrels, and it’s almost like the Merlot has transformed into Cabernet Sauvignon! This explains why the wines from the Right Bank are so well-structured and multi-layered. To make it easy to remember the unique character of Merlot in the vintage of 2022, I’ve coined a nickname for it: Spicy Merlot.

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

5. More Press Wine in the Blend

Despite expecting winemakers to use less press wine in the 2022 vintage due to smaller berries and higher tannins, they actually went the opposite way. Some wines, like Château Brane-Cantenac, had a press wine proportion as high as 15.8%, while others like Château Gruaud Larose and Château Cantenac Brown reached 13.5% and 11.3% respectively. The reason behind this decision is that the small berries had a lot of color compounds (anthocyanins), resulting in a deep purple-black color just after a few days of maceration, and almost every winemaker opted for a gentler extraction.

So, when the alcoholic fermentation is complete, there are still many valuable extracts left in the skins. By selecting only the best portion of the press wine, they can achieve a wine with a rich and full-bodied texture, without any rough tannins.


AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

Dry White Wine

The dry white wines of 2022 exhibit a rich and intense fruit aromas, with ripe and fragrant notes of white peach, apricot, papaya, and Tremella Soup leading the way. However, they are not highly acidic, relying on a sense of salinity or slight bitterness to achieve a balanced palate. These white wines are better enjoyed at a young age.

Notable performances among the white wines can be found in Pessac-Léognan, with Domaine de Chevalier, Château Smith Haut Lafitte, Château Pape Clément, Château Malartic-Lagravière, and Château Couhins representing the region’s excellence. Additionally, Château Cos d’Estournel’s dry white wine and Château Suduiraut’s Pur Sémillon have both managed to achieve a rare balance in this hot vintage, each showcasing their own unique style. 

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

Noble Rot Sweet Wine

The noble sweet wines of 2022 are incredibly high in sugar content and concentration, with some wines even surpassing 200 g/l residual sugar. Thanks to the rapid spread of noble rot during the final stages, the quality is quite commendable. While acidity is generally not high (acidification is quite common), the aromas are intense and clear. Ripe fruity notes of honeyed oranges, yellow peaches, and mangoes dominate, while the unique fragrances of curry and Sichuan pepper from the noble rot are more subtle. Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey has an astonishingly high residual sugar level of 250 g/l. Surprisingly, it maintains a remarkable freshness without adding acidity, making it my top pick for noble sweet wine this year. In addition, both Château de Fargues and Château Suduiraut have gained respect for their meticulous and unwavering commitment to quality.


AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

Even though the overall quality of the 2022 vintage is excellent, I still prepared 7 purchase suggestions to guide you through the En Primeur wines purchase with confidence. Make sure to check out this exclusive guide.


1. Avoid purchasing wines made from young vines.

Young vines have shallow root systems and struggled during the extreme heat of the 2022 vintage. Leaf dropping was a common issue. When tasting the grapes, I noticed significant problems with vines under 10 years old, specifically with shriveled berries. Not only were the tannins very astringent, but the fruit aromas were also chaotic. If these shriveled berries are not properly sorted, you may encounter noticeable flavors of unpleasant dried fruit and even old newspaper notes.

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

2. Look for vineyards with water contented root systems.

In recent years, I’ve emphasized the importance of clay-limestone soil for many times. In the vintage of 2022, it proved to be essential not only for top Saint-Émilion like Château Belair-Monange, Château Larcis Ducasse, Château Canon, and Château de Ferrand but also on the Left Bank. The underrated terroirs of the Médoc with too much clay, once considered “secondary soil”, showcased their great potential in 2022. Wines from soil with a high proportion of clay, such as Château Pibran, Château Clerc Milon, Château Kirwan, Château Lafon Rochet, and Château Tronquoy-Lalande, delivered stunning results. The northern Médoc and Moulis-en-Médoc greatly benefited from this as well. Boldly predicting, as global warming intensifies, Left Bank wineries with clay soils will definitely have more advantage in the future.

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

3. Seek out late-ripening vineyards with higher altitudes when selecting daily wines:

The Francs Côtes de Bordeaux, Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux, and Fronsac regions not only have the clay-limestone soil we mentioned earlier but also an elevation close to 100 meters. These late-harvested vineyards are like “magic weapons” against hot and dry weather. I discovered many fantastic and affordable wines in these regions, particularly suitable for young consumers to pay attention to.

For example, Château La Dauphine, Château Dalem, and Château Les Trois Croix in Fronsac; Château La Prade in Francs Côtes de Bordeaux; Château Joanin Bécot, Château d’Aiguilhe, Château d’Alcée, Domaine de l’A, Château d’Arce, Château Montlandrie, and Château Monbadon in Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux. These are high-quality daily wines that you can keep on hand at home.

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

4. Be careful when choosing wineries that harvest too late

To maintain the right balance of acidity and freshness, most red grapes were harvested in early September this year. If a vineyard started harvesting in the late September, it’s a red flag. During my tastings, I came across some wines with overly ripe aromas, lacking the vibrancy and brightness. Coupled with their heavy tannins, these wines were dull and unexciting. They won’t age well, so it’s important to be extra careful.


5. Choose wines that are crafted using a gentle maceration method

While the grapes this year have exceptional flavors, they also have high tannin levels. If the maceration process is not carefully managed,  the tannins can become overpowering. Tasting these wines is like “watching a monster dance awkwardly”. To avoid this, it’s recommended to shorten the maceration time and stop it when the fermentation density reaches a specific range, usually around 1020-1040. This allows the juice and skins to interact in a gentle manner, resulting in more favorable outcomes. Additionally, some wineries use a cold maceration technique to better control the tannin levels. Wineries like Château Giscours, Château Fieuzal, and Château Angélus are known for using this method.

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

6. Start focusing on wineries that use whole-bunch fermentation

In dry and hot vintage like 2022, it is perfect for trying out whole-bunch fermentation. When it is properly maintained, this technique brings out unique flavors like Chinese red tea and longan shells, along with a subtle sweetness that can really shine in 2022. Currently, only a few wineries are using this method, but as the dry and hot weather continues, whole-bunch fermentation may bring exciting new trends to Bordeaux. If you’re interested, keep an eye on Château Les Carmes Haut-Brion and Château Larrivet Haut-Brion in Pessac Léognan, Château La Gaffelière and Château Jean Faure in Saint-Émilion, Château Saint-Pierre and Clos du Clocher in Pomerol, and even our Chinese-owned winery, Château Moulinet in Pomerol as well.


AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

7. Pay attention to biodynamic wineries

I used to not pay much attention to biodynamics in Bordeaux, but in the extreme weather of 2022, I discovered that grapes grown using biodynamic practices had a noticeable fresher quality.  When I tasted the grapes at Château Pontet-Canet during the harvest, I was amazed by their juicy and fresh flavors, completely unaffected by the hot conditions.

After tasting several biodynamic wines during En Primeur, I found that they had incredibly pure fruit aromas and a lively mouthfeel. Besides Château Pontet-Canet, I recommend keeping an eye on Château Durfort-Vivens, Château Gruaud-Larose, as well as the Right Bank wineries like Château Fonroque and Château Fonplegade.

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

Questions to keep in mind

Given the unique nature of the 2022 vintage, there are two details that require special attention, both after bottling and even during bottle aging.


Firstly, some wineries faced challenges during fermentation due to high pH levels and alcohol. Although these issues may not be evident during the En Primeur tastings, there is a risk of volatile acidity and Brettanomyces development during the bottle aging. Especially volatile acidity, I have already detected hints of it in certain En Primeur wines.


Secondly, there is an abundance of tannins in this vintage. While the wines currently show a rich texture during the En Primeur stage, it is important to carefully ensure that the wines retain desired balance after bottling.

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

AMA Selection – Blooming Lotus

In the final section of the En Primeur annual report, let’s not forget our highly anticipated AMA Selection – Blooming Lotus. In this vintage, I’ve chosen 50 Châteaux, many of which have achieved the highest quality in their history. It’s a valuable guide for purchasing En Primeur wines.


In Cantonese, “心水” means “favorite” or “beloved,” representing a calm and passionate attitude toward life. I believe it perfectly captures the criteria for my En Primeur Selection.


In addition to outstanding quality, a reasonable and consistent pricing strategy is also an important factor. I hope this carefully made wine list will assist you in confidently selecting En Primeur wines, and I also hope more people will discover the true beauty of Bordeaux.

AMA Tasting Report – Bordeaux 2022 En Primeur - Alexandre MA

That concludes all the information in this vintage’s En Primeur tasting report. In summary, 2022 is an Unexpected Legendary Vintage, like a “Phoenix rising from the flames”, its magnificent brilliance will shine brighter in the river of time.


*Among the wines tasted, only wines above 90 POINTS are listed

Colour Vintage Wine Ama Point
2022 Château Cheval Blanc - Red 99 - 100
2022 Château Haut-Bailly - Red 99 - 100
2022 Château Mouton Rothschild - Red 99 - 100
2022 Château Montrose - Red 98 - 100
2022 Château Pontet-Canet - Red 98 - 100
2022 Château Angélus - Red 98 - 99
2022 Château Ausone - Red 98 - 99
2022 Château Brane-Cantenac - Red 98 - 99
2022 Château Ducru-Beaucaillou - Red 98 - 99
2022 Château Haut-Brion - Red 98 - 99
2022 Château Lafite Rothschild - Red 98 - 99
2022 Château Léoville Las Cases - Red 98 - 99
2022 Château-Figeac - Red 98 - 99
2022 Domaine de Chevalier - Red 98 - 99
2022 Château Canon - Red 97 - 99
2022 Château L'Eglise Clinet - Red 97 - 99
2022 Château La Conseillante - Red 97 - 99
2022 Château La Fleur-Pétrus - Red 97 - 99
2022 Château Latour - Red 97 - 99
2022 Château Le Pin - Red 97 - 99
2022 Château Les Carmes Haut-Brion - Red 97 - 99
2022 Château Pichon Comtesse - Red 97 - 99
2022 Château Smith Haut Lafitte - Red 97 - 99
2022 Clos Fourtet - Red 97 - 99
2022 Château La Violette - Red 97 - 98
2022 Château Léoville Barton - Red 97 - 98
2022 Château Margaux - Red 97 - 98
2022 Château Pavie - Red 97 - 98
2022 Château Trotanoy - Red 97 - 98
2022 Château Grand-Puy Lacoste - Red 96 - 98
2022 Château La Gaffelière - Red 96 - 98
2022 Château La Mondotte - Red 96 - 98
2022 Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey - White 96 - 98
2022 Château Larcis Ducasse - Red 96 - 98
2022 Château Pavie Macquin - Red 96 - 98
2022 Château Petit-Village - Red 96 - 98
2022 Château Pichon Baron - Red 96 - 98
2022 Château Belair-Monange - Red 96 - 97
2022 Château Clinet - Red 96 - 97
2022 Château Nénin - Red 96 - 97
2022 Château Palmer - Red 96 - 97
2022 Château Pape Clément - Red 96 - 97
2022 Clos l'Église - Red 96 - 97
2022 Château Beau-Séjour Bécot - Red 95 - 97
2022 Château Cantenac Brown - Red 95 - 97
2022 Château Clerc Milon - Red 95 - 97
2022 Château Cos d'Estournel - Red 95 - 97
2022 Château Gruaud Larose - Red 95 - 97
2022 Château Hosanna - Red 95 - 97
2022 Château l'Évangile - Red 95 - 97
2022 Château La Mission Haut-Brion - Red 95 - 97
2022 Château Phélan Ségur - Red 95 - 97
2022 Château Talbot - Red 95 - 97
2022 Clos du Clocher - Red 95 - 97
2022 Clos Saint Martin - Red 95 - 97
2022 Château Batailley - Red 95 - 96
2022 Château Beauregard - Red 95 - 96
2022 Château Beauséjour - Red 95 - 96
2022 Château Calon Ségur - Red 95 - 96
2022 Château Duhart-Milon - Red 95 - 96
2022 Château Durfort-Vivens - Red 95 - 96
2022 Château La Mission Haut-Brion - White 95 - 96
2022 Château Le Gay - Red 95 - 96
2022 Château Malartic-Lagravière - Red 95 - 96
2022 Château Pédesclaux - Red 95 - 96
2022 Château Rocheyron - Red 95 - 96
2022 Château Smith Haut Lafitte - White 95 - 96
2022 Domaine de Chevalier - White 95 - 96
2022 Le Dôme - Red 95 - 96
2022 Château Bellefont-Belcier - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château Berliquet - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château Beychevelle - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château Branaire-Ducru - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château Canon La Gaffelière - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château Croix de Labrie - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château d'Issan - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château de Fargues - White 94 - 96
2022 Château de Ferrand - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château Kirwan - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château La Clotte - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château La Dominique - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château Lafon-Rochet - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château Lagrange - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château Latour-Martillac - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château Suduiraut - White 94 - 96
2022 Château Valandraud - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château Villemaurine - Red 94 - 96
2022 Enclos Tourmaline - Red 94 - 96
2022 L'IF - Red 94 - 96
2022 Château Pavie Arômes de Pavie - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château Lafite Rothschild Carruades de Lafite - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château Cos d'Estournel - White 94 - 95
2022 Château Couhins - White 94 - 95
2022 Château d'Armailhac - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château de Pressac - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château Doisy Daëne - White 94 - 95
2022 Château Haut-Bages Libéral - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château Jean Faure - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château La Croix St. Georges - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château Laroque - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château Léoville Poyferré - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château Lynch-Bages - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château Malartic-Lagravière - White 94 - 95
2022 Château Pape Clément - White 94 - 95
2022 Château Puyblanquet - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château Rauzan-Ségla - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château Sansonnet - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château Suduiraut Pur Sémillion - White 94 - 95
2022 Château Tour Saint Christophe - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château Mouton Rothschild Le Petit Mouton de Mouton Rothschild - Red 94 - 95
2022 Château Ausone Chapelle d'Ausone - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château Barde-Haut - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château Coutet - White 93 - 95
2022 Château Dauzac - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château de Fieuzal - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château de La Dauphine - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château de Malleret - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château Ferrière - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château Giscours - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château La Confession - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château La Marzelle - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château Larrivet Haut-Brion - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château Monbousquet - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château Olivier - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château Peby Faugères - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château Saint Georges (Côte Pavie) - Red 93 - 95
2022 Clos du Marquis - Red 93 - 95
2022 Château Belgrave - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Bellevue - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Bourgneuf - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Cadet-Bon - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Clos de Boüard Dame de Boüard - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Clos de Sarpe - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Dalem - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Destieux - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Fleur Cardinale - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Fonplégade - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Fonroque - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Grand Mayne - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Haut-Brion - White 93 - 94
2022 Château Haut-Marbuzet - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Joanin Bécot - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château La Fleur Peyrabon - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château La Tour Blanche - White 93 - 94
2022 Château Larrivet Haut-Brion - White 93 - 94
2022 Château Latour à Pomerol - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Latour-Martillac - White 93 - 94
2023 Château Le Chatelet - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Lilian Ladouys - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Marojallia - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Moulin Saint-Georges - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Poujeaux - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Prieuré-Lichine - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Saint-Pierre (Pomerol) - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Saint-Pierre - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Sigalas Rabaud - White 93 - 94
2022 Château Talbot Caillou Blanc - White 93 - 94
2022 Château Tournefeuille - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Tronquoy-Lalande - Red 93 - 94
2022 Clos de L'Oratoire - Red 93 - 94
2022 Clos Manou - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Haut-Bailly Haut Bailly-II - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Ducru-Beaucaillou La Croix Ducru-Beaucaillou - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Montrose La Dame de Montrose - Red 93 - 94
2022 Le Clos du Beau-Père - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Latour Les Forts de Latour - Red 93 - 94
2022 Château Margaux Pavillon Blanc du Château Margaux - White 93 - 94
2022 Château Brane-Cantenac Baron de Brane - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Alcée - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Anthonic - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Branas Grand Poujeaux - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Cantemerle - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Carbonnieux - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Certan de May - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Couhins-Lurton - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Couhins-Lurton - White 92 - 94
2022 Château d'Aiguilhe - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Dassault - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Dauzac Franc de Pied - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château de Pez - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Feytit-Clinet - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Fleur de Lisse - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Franc Mayne - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Guiraud - White 92 - 94
2022 Château Jean Faux - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Jean Faux Sainte-Radegonde - White 92 - 94
2022 Château La Grave - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château La Louvière - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château La Serre - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Laffitte Carcasset - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Langoa Barton - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Lascombes - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Le Pin Beausoleil - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Les Cruzelles - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Les Trois Croix - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Lespault-Martillac - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Malescasse - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Monbadon - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Montlandrie - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Pibran - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Reignac Grand Vin de Reignac - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Suduiraut Vieilles Vignes - White 92 - 94
2022 Clos des Jacobins - Red 92 - 94
2022 Clos Lunelles - Red 92 - 94
2022 Couvent des Jacobins - Red 92 - 94
2022 Domaine de l'A - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Les Carmes Haut-Brion Le C des Carmes Haut-Brion - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Margaux Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux - Red 92 - 94
2022 Vieux Château Mazerat - Red 92 - 94
2022 Château Mouton Rothschild Aile d'Argent - White 92 - 93
2022 Cap d'Or - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Angélus Carillon d'Angélus - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Arnauld - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Bertrand Braneyre - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Bonalgue - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Chasse-Spleen - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Clerc Milon Pastourelle - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Corbin - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Côte de Baleau - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château d'Arce - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Dauzac Labastide - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château de Fieuzal - White 92 - 93
2022 Château de Laussac Cuvée Sacha - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château de Rayne Vigneau - White 92 - 93
2022 Château Desmirail - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Doisy-Védrines - White 92 - 93
2022 Château du Courlat - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Faugères - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Fombrauge - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Gloria - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Gracia - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Haut-Batailley - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château La Fleur de Boüard - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château La Garde - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château La Prade - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château La Vieille Cure - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Labégorce - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Lagrange (Pomerol) - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Lamothe Bergeron - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Laroze - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Larrivaux - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Lassègue - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Le Bon Pasteur - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Lynch-Moussas - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Mangot - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Marquis d'Alesme - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Marquis de Terme - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Moulin Haut Laroque - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Olivier - White 92 - 93
2022 Château Petit-Village Le Petit - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Potensac - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Rauzan-Gassies - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Rouget - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Simard - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Siran - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Villars - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Yon-Figeac - Red 92 - 93
2022 Clos Badon - Red 92 - 93
2022 Clos Puy Arnaud - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Canon Croix-Canon - Red 92 - 93
2022 Domaine Andron - Red 92 - 93
2022 Domaine Les Sadons - Red 92 - 93
2022 Domaine Simon Blanchard Au Champs de La Fenêtre - Red 92 - 93
2022 Domaine Simon Blanchard Guitard - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Pédesclaux Fleur de Pédesclaux - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château de Carles Haut-Carles - Red 92 - 93
2022 Domaine de Chevalier L'Esprit de Chevalier - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Haut-Brion Le Clarence de Haut-Brion - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Léoville Las Cases Le Petit Lion - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Smith Haut Lafitte Le Petit Smith Haut Lafitte - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Pichon Baron Les Griffons de Pichon Baron - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Pichon Comtesse Pichon Comtesse Réserve - Red 92 - 93
2022 Poesia - Red 92 - 93
2022 Château Lynch-Bages Blanc de Lynch-Bages - White 91 - 93
2022 Château Bouscaut - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Boutisse - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Boyd-Cantenac - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Cantenac Brown Alto - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Cap Saint-Georges - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Carlmagnus - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Chauvin - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Clarke - Red 91 - 93
2023 Château Couhins - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Croizet-Bages - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château d'Agassac - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château de Chainchon Cuvée Valmy Dubourdieu-Lange - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château de Fonbel - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château de La Huste - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château du Retout - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château du Tertre - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château du Tertre Tertre Blanc - White 91 - 93
2022 Château Fonbadet - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Fourcas Dupré - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Grand Barrail Lamarzelle Figeac - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Haut-Bages Monpelou - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Haut-Brisson - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château L'Enclos - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château La Commanderie - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château La Tour Carnet - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château La Tour de By - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château La Tour de By Héritage Marc Pares - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château La Tour de Mons - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château La Vaisinerie - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Lalaudey - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Lamothe - White 91 - 93
2022 Château Le Prieuré - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Le Thil - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Leroy-Beauval - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Les Charmes Godard - White 91 - 93
2022 Château Malescot Saint-Exupéry - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Marjosse - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Mazeyres - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Meyney - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Montlabert - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Moulin de La Rose - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Moulin du Cadet - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Moutte Blanc - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Puygueraud - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Rol Valentin - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Saint-Hilaire - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Teyssier - Red 91 - 93
2022 Clos Bertineau - Red 91 - 93
2022 Clos de la Vieille l'Église - Red 91 - 93
2022 Clos Dubreuil - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Talbot Connétable Talbot - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Giscours Haut-Médoc Giscours - Red 91 - 93
2022 L'Envie - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château La Mission Haut-Brion La Chapelle de la Mission Haut-Brion - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Smith Haut Lafitte Le Petit Smith Haut Lafitte - White 91 - 93
2022 Château de Rayne Vigneau Le Sec de Rayne Vigneau - White 91 - 93
2022 Château Lagrange Les Arums de Lagrange - White 91 - 93
2022 Château Lafon-Rochet Les Pèlerins de Lafon-Rochet - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Pichon Baron Les Tourelles de Longueville - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Ducru-Beaucaillou Madame de Beaucaillou - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Duhart-Milon Moulin de Duhart - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Léoville Poyferré Pavillon de Léoville Poyferré - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Gruaud Larose Sarget de Gruaud Larose - Red 91 - 93
2022 Château Fonréaud Le Cygne - White 93
2022 Château Beychevelle Amiral de Beychevelle - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château d'Issan Blason d'Issan - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Cantenac Brown Brio de Cantenac Brown - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Angludet - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Bastor-Lamontagne La Confidence - White 91 - 92
2022 Château Beaumont - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Bellevue de Tayac - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Beynat Cuvée Léonard - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Carbonnieux - White 91 - 92
2022 Château Clarisse Vielles Vignes - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Clos de Boüard - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château de Caillac La Grande Lande Vin de France - White 91 - 92
2022 Château de Chantegrive - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château de Malleret - White 91 - 92
2022 Château de Reignac - White 91 - 92
2022 Château Fleur La Mothe - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Fourcas Hosten - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Grand Corbin-Despagne - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Grange-Neuve - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château L'Etampe - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château l'Isle Fort - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château La Clémence - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château La Garde - White 91 - 92
2022 Château La Gurgue - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château La Patache - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château La Pointe - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château La Révérence - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Laniote - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Le Boscq - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Lestage - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Louis - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Maison Blanche - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Maucaillou - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Monbrison - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Montlisse - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Moulin Pey Labrie - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Léoville Poyferré Château Moulin Riche - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Moulinet - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Paloumey - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Plain-Point - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Plince - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Rauzan-Ségla Ségla - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Reysson - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Soutard-Cadet - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Taillefer - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Toumalin - Red 91 - 92
2022 Domaine de La Solitude - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Cos d'Estournel G d'Estournel - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Malartic-Lagravière Le Comte de Malartic - White 91 - 92
2022 Château Ducru-Beaucaillou Le Petit Ducru - Red 91 - 92
2022 Saintem (Saintayme) - Red 91 - 92
2022 Château Angélus N°3 - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Bastor-Lamontagne - White 90 - 92
2022 Château Beauvillage - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Broustet - White 90 - 92
2022 Château Cap de Mourlin - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Cap Léon Veyrin - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Carignan - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Chemin Royal - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Croix du Trale - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Croix-Mouton - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château de Birazel Auguste - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château de Candale - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château de Francs L'Infini - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château de Francs Les Cerisiers - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château de La Rivière - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château de Laussac - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château de Sales - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château de Viaud - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Domeyne - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Doyac - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château du Moulin Rouge - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château du Paradis - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château du Tailhas - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Duverger - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Goudichaud - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Grand-Puy Ducasse - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Gree Laroque - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Haut-Madrac - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Hostens-Picant Cuvée Lucullus - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château La Bridane - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château La Fleur Perey Cuvée Prestige - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château La France Delhomme - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château La Rousselle - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château La Tour de Bessan - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château La Tour Figeac - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Lafon La Tuilerie - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Laforge - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Lamothe-Cissac - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Lanessan - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Larose Perganson - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Larruau - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Laurence - White 90 - 92
2022 Château Les Grands Chênes - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Lespault-Martillac - White 90 - 92
2022 Château Lestage - White 90 - 92
2022 Château Madran Cuvée Madran - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Madran Petit Verdot - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Maillet - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Martinho - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Mauvesin Barton - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Mont-Pérat - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Montviel - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Pavillon Beauregard - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Petit Bocq - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Pey La Tour Réserve du Château - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Peymouton - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Peyrabon - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Pouget - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Puy Guilhem - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Réaut Carat de Château Réaut - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Sénéjac - Red 90 - 92
2022 Clos Marsalette - Red 90 - 92
2022 Enclos de Viaud - Red 90 - 92
2022 La Parcelle du Rocher - Red 90 - 92
2022 Château Balestard la Tonnelle - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Bel-Air - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Bellerive - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Cap du Faugeres - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Chantemerle - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Cissac - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Citran - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Clarisse - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Coudert - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Coufran - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Dauzac Le Haut-Médoc de Dauzac - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château de Carles - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château des Ormeaux - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château du Cartillon - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château du Petit Puch - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Fonréaud - Red 90 - 91
2021 Château Fougas Maldoror - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Grand Ormeau - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Jean Voisin - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château L'Écrin de Couleys - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château La Bastienne - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château La Pensée - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château La Peyruche 1603 M - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château La Roque de By - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Lamothe Vincent - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Lestage-Darquier - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Lousteauneuf - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Lucia - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Maurac - Red 90 - 91
2021 Château Mercier Cuvée Prestige - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Monregard La Croix - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Picoron - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Prieuré Sainte Anne - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Puybarbe - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Réaut - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Rollan de By - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Rolland-Maillet - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Sanctus La Bienfaisance - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Seguin - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Ségur de Cabanac - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Tour Séran - Red 90 - 91
2022 Château Trianon - Red 90 - 91
2022 L'Éclat du Château l'Éperon - Red 90 - 91
2022 L'Orme de Rauzan-Gassies - Red 90 - 91
2022 La Fleur d'Arthus - Red 90 - 91